Crying Wolfe Blog Protecting And Promoting Ron Brynaert

Ron Brynaert has actually found a fool to buy into his disinfo schtick. I don't blame Crying Wolfe for being disoriented and open to manipulation. He was put though the wringer by Neal Rauhauser. Nonetheless, the end result is that his blog has now become a haven for Ron's brand of convolution. I left three posts. Now all of them have been deleted. But since he has done this in the past, I was prepared this time and saved what was scrubbed. He had no problem with my first post.

Here was the second one in full.

Here is how Ron's new buddy Mike decided to edit it.

I came back with a third post objecting to being censored.

One can now see that all Crying Wolfe cares about is himself, to the point that he is enabling one of the worst supertrolls in years.

He has that right to censor. I'm not whining about that. But I also have the right to show in this post how off the path to truth he has ended up.

Ron Brynaert is a waste of time. Whether he's insane or paid to post is impossible to prove. But in my sincere opinion he is one or the other. And now he has found a new spot in which to muddy the waters.

Here's the only trace left that I made posts on the thread.

I do hope Mike succeeds at bringing Rauhauser to Justice. It's just unfortunate he turned out to be such a loser in regards to getting the big picture.

He's being played.