Attorney Jay Leiderman Wets His Pants In Public

*** Correction/Redaction

It was not Jay Leiderman but some other lawyer out 35 grand for the Commander X fugitive schtick.

FINE ***

That's Jay Leiderman. He's a Neal Rauhauser associate suing Patrick "Patterico" Frey on behalf of Nadia Naffe. Admittedly he looks respectable in the above photo. However, you can see what he actually looks like in this YouTube video.

If you take a real good look at him, he is what he is. A triple F in DFQ2 code speak.

He doesn't come across as very intelligent. That lines up with his being out 35 grand due to Commander X jumping bail.

According to his bio info, he was a public pretender for over six years. Isn't that special? I guess the money wasn't good enough. So Jason went into private practice. Apparently he will represent anyone no matter how despicable the crime. Ever hear of attorney Stanley Cohen? Leiderman has a similar kind of schtick.

Let's look at Frey. He cybersmeared Ron Brynaert as a violent SWATter without any proof. He even cherry picked that 911 audio report.

He should be disbarred for that. Period. Subsequently, Jay Leiderman should be disbarred for cybersmearing me while working with internet criminal Neal Rauhauser. The following is very bizarre and literally forces donkeytale to admit I am in the running for ARGTOZ blogger of the year. That's an acronym for alternative reality game top of the zeitgeist morning to one and all.

I'm almost over the flu but not quite, so the rest of this entry will have to be mailed in. Here are the crucial copy and pastes from a recent Jay Leiderman court filing.

60. PLAINTIFF is informed and believes and based thereon alleges that FREY had a persistent problem with supporters of his blog “taking matters into their own hands” and going after the targets of Deputy District Attorney FREY’S ire.

61. PLAINTIFF is informed and believes and based thereon alleges that in this case, FREY called PLAINTIFF, essentially, too stupid to attend Harvard University for any reason other than affirmative action (PLAINTIFF is African-American) and FREY told his sycophants where, exactly, on Harvard’s campus PLAINTIFF could be found.

62. PLAINTIFF is informed and believes and based thereon alleges that one FREY sycophant in particular, who went by the sobriquet “Socrates,” was, around February and March of 2012, close to FREY. Socrates was known as a dangerous and unstable harasser and he lived in the Boston area close to PLAINTIFF. This caused PLAINTIFF a great deal of emotional distress. She was forced to seek the protection of the campus police department and to make all of her Harvard information was made private.

63. Based thereon, PLAINTIFF feared for her safety, as she was informed and believes and based thereon alleges that FREY was “ginning” up Socrates and other sycophantic followers to potentially attack her and harm her physically.
Ok, everybody on three. 1... 2... 3: That's retarded! That's some pretty crazy stuff. This ain't Blues, fairleft, or Stu Piddy from Soapblox having a conspiratorial meltdown.

Jay Leiderman is meant to be an attorney and have gravitas, and not simply be some two bit, hack lawyer.

Ok, I gotta wrap this up. How better to do so than by posting some tweets?

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