******** The Whiteysphere's beloved Trotskyite (among a phalanx of other pundits) has rushed into print with his latest flavour of the moment. In the threads, as at his own blog, Seymour's thought yacht runs aground against the peculiar form of internet utopian reactionism that passes itself off as 'far-left' when it is in reality part and parcel of a 'reactionary right' ******** Thus, the internet left in a few short years reduces itself to nothing more than a smushed sectarian windshield bug fellow travelling with the Iranian/Syrian/Russian express which is running amok through the humanitarian trainwreck that is the Syrian counter-revolution. [mixed metaphor alert] ******** In fact, in the tried and true manner of the 'we cant figure this out so lets blame the shallow mainstream media' parlour game that never goes out of style and never adds a whiff of insight or original thinking, the internet utopians falafel all over themselves, signifying nothing. Same as it ever was. ******** Step back, whiteysphere and ponder the Marxian sweep of history. Ditch the Stalinist/Hitlerian pretence and behold the late imperialist stage of capitalism, that must be traversed before we can enter into the next phase of historical development. Do not take sides in this imperialist struggle. It is not our fight. You are being led astray by your small circle of Russian-financed pundits. The US vs BRICS is an illusion that is being sold to you as if it were a bar of soap. There are no shortcuts to Utopia. This is a war that must be waged. The 'Arab Awakening' is as unavoidable as body odor on a rotting corpse. The Middle East Unraveling is a stealth world war that still flies beneath the radar of the newest highest technology. It remains hidden inside sectarian tribal reckoning that has played out since Biblical times, at least, and if the Word is believed or not, it will play out until the end of teh world (as we know it). Believe it, Whitey, there is no Emerald City at the end of your internet-fed rainbow, and there is no escape from your eventual participation. There is Kansas, and that is all.