Who Is Brett Kimberlin?

That's the title for Lee Stranahan's new video uploaded to youtube. It's actually called part 1. His related blog entry can be read here.

The only effective way to fight Brett Kimberlin is for as many people to research and write about him as possible.

So I’m declaring this Friday, May 25th as Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day.

Here’s what you do to take part…

1. Research Brett Kimberlin on your own. Don’t trust secondary sources; look for the orginal articles articles published about him, too.

2. On Friday, May 25th — write an honest, factually accurate post about what you learned and what your OPINION is. Brett may try and sue you, so be accurate, factual and separate fact from opinion.

3. The post doesn’t have to be long — ANYTHING helps.

4. After you post, Tweet, share, whatever — get the post out there.

This foolishness has gone on long enough.
Today Film Ladd blogged on the allegation that blogger Robert Stacy McCain "had to flee his home with his wife and family to an undisclosed location" because...

"Stacy fled because he believed that Brett Kimberlin, convicted domestic lefty terrorist bomber, was overly curious re: Stacy's geographic location."

I'm not saying it isn't true. Wasn't Patterico's home posted by a Team Numbnut member? Hasn't one of them recently broken court rules by snapping or attempting to a photo of Aaron Walker and then filing a bogus assault charge against him? I also agree with Film Ladd that such a thingie wouldn't be unexpected. However, this McCain statement sticks out like a sore thumb.
Nevertheless, my sudden relocation — The Mother of All Road Trips, as it were — will involve large expenses. We will have to rent a new house, pay people to pack up the belongings at our former residence, and move everything to the new location.

Remember that this is still a Shameless Capitalist Blog, and keep in mind The Five Most Important Words in the English Language . . .

One thing I definitely find unsettling is how many conservatives following and writing on this story are turning it into Repukelican versus Libtard rhetoric.

Film Ladd: As I said in my previous post, Social-Media Gate is the biggest story of the new century. Future historians will look back to this era as the beginning of the end of politics as usual, and the launch of the modern-day electronic equivalent of the Italian Borgias and Medicis. Rule by tribal political affiliations, with a dash of sword and social-media skulduggery.

And yes, I believe all of these roads lead to Obama, and yes, I think we'll have a messy third-world-style election come November. With a lot of people being forced to flee their homes in terror.

What does he mean by all roads lead to Obama? Hmmm, like Republicans don't practice dirty tricks on the internet? High profile Democrats suckered into donating to a con artist means they are into terrorising people with lawfare and other forms of harassment? I'm not saying Ladd is arguing that, but it sure seems he is conflating separate issues. Has he never heard of Lee Atwater and Karl Rove? Why can't righties blogging on this story keep their dogma out of it?

From the comments:
You're talking about Soros, who ratted out fellow Jews to Nazis, being worried about Kimberlin's conduct? You're talking about people happy to take money from a man who ratted Jews out to Nazis being worried about Kimberlin's conduct? The answer is no, they have no honor left; they never started with any honor.

Kimberlin is not a bug of the Democratic Party and the American Progressive Movement, he is a feature.. The Democractic Party has been nothing but a criminal conspiracy against the United States since Thomas Jefferson decided to not notice Aaron Burr and Tamanny Hall's corruption and intimidation as long as it bought him the White House.

You're talking about the Democrats, the party of slavery, seccession, segregation and now surrender.. The grubby little ward-heeler thugs have made common cause with leftist extremists and academic technocrats pushing a political religion that has failed everywhere on eartth it has been tried, at a cost of over 100,000,000 deaths, all for one last chance to loot the till.

And we as Republicans have elected spineless, vain , cowardly "representatives" who went along to get along rather than risk their own rice bowls, to the point where it may be too late to recover. Vote this fall like your life depends on it.
Here is more conflation and outright, hypocritical nonsense courtesy of the comments on Lee's youtube page.
What is it with Lefties and convicted bombers? If the Right embraced McVeigh or the Olympic Park Bomber as a blogger there'd be no end of hearing about it on the Cable News Channels. Thank you for posting this.

We need to know who the people are who finance this terrorist's organization.

Who is Brett Kimberlin? He's the Left's favorite convicted domestic terrorist after Bill Ayers.
Sure we need to know who the donors are, to inform them of whom and what they are donating to. More importantly, it'd be nice for investigations to take place in regards to possibly existent prosecutable crimes ranging from a spectrum including perjury, harassment both on and offline, and false police reports to commercial fraud. This story transcends left versus right.