Conspiracy Fact: Dustin Farahnak Was The Scyphers Murder

Hmmm, where did 2011 go, Aaron Worthing er uhm Walker?

New proof has been obtained through an anonymous source which clearly shows Dustin Farahnak was The Scyphers Murder at Daily Kos. People can whine all they want about conspiracy theory this and that. Only a dumbass would disregard all the evidence showing Aaron Walker and Dustin are probably on the same payroll as FBI sewer rat Brandon Darby.

Since Dustin was that person, it becomes more than obvious he was showing Neal Rauhauser way too much respect.

The peanut gallery says, "Hey Mister, you proved Mandy Nagy's a liar. Now you are using what Mandy said to prove a point. You can't do that, Mister." My response to that is, "A wise guy, why I oughta."

You want more proof?

Dustin at Patterico's
Since I have wifi on mass transit, at home, and at work, I’m fortunate enough to use a Sony ericsson C905a, which is free with a subscription, and with no data plan I can still surf the internet on wifi and use GPS. My wife has one as well and we pay $60 a month for both plans. And the camera on these phones makes the Droid look like a POS. Since we take pics all the time, and always have wifi, it’s a legit point.

Although I still an envious of those Droid apps. No reason to get an iphone, in my opinion, but there are so many cheap and excellent options out there these days.
The Scyphers Murder at Daily Kos
I've had luck with Sony Ericssons (0+ / 0-)

The problem is that ATT is usually the only provider, but you mentioned T-Mobile so you're probably able to use them.

They often come with relatively good headphones and mp3 functionality. The real hangup is that they use memory sticks, which are proprietary and expensive (and you need an adaptor for headphones, but it's never been an issue for me), but otherwise, I think they are great mp3 players.
The Scyphers Murder had fifty-four posts at DKos. One of them was very similar to a post Dustin made at Patterico's about a specific electronic. What are the friggen odds?

There were other similarities between the two usernames I could document. I'm talking ideas, patterns, even exact phrases. As The Scyphers Murder, Dustin even posted, "...I have interacted with [Seth] online for a long time and would be shocked if he's anything but a progressive. Sure, he's no fan of the DLC or establishment democrats, but this doesn't mean he's conservative."

On a side note, I am not sure why Dustin kept saying I linked Brett to supporting Pat Buchanan. I never did. Back in the day before Brad Friedman was known, he posted support for Buchanan. I guess when one is busy showing Neal Rauhauser respect while establishing Ron Brynaert as a patsy, such mistakes happen.

I've got better things to do than spend eighteen hours chasing Dustin Farahnak's sock puppet. They are one and the same. The implications of that fact were spelled out in my previous blog entry.

Dustin established a Scyphers Murder account at Google Plus. It can be found here.


What Dustin did is photoshop on the idea that Kimberlin is a terrorist. It's a common theme of wingnuts to plant the meme that the left supports terrorism. They talk up Alinsky and Ayres, to name a few.

So Dustin gave BK a terrorist's beard. You can also google around and see that the Smurfs have been played up as terrorists. Here's one example:

Hmmm, so we have Dustin and Aaron Walker running their agent provocateur styled Everybody Draw Mohammed Blog. There's rat snitch Brandon Darby who provoked kids into having violent thoughts in regards to the 2008 RNC. There's Breitbart's Dana Loesch who promoted the idea of pissing on dead Arabs. Yet we on the left are the ones facilitating terrorism?

Neocon slime can claim all they want that talk of internet cointelpro is kookiness. Too bad for them reality has a liberal bias.

Hal Turner is conspiracy fact. Brandon Darby is conspiracy fact. Aaron Walker and Dustin Farahnak are conspiracy fact. That the FBI creates terrorism is conspiracy fact.

Hey Dustin, Aaron, and the rest of you scumbags at Team Breitbart: