[editor's note - My purpose for re-posting this now classic dairy of the political science genre is two-fold. (1) The irrepressible desire to knock Socrates latest semi-mailed-in meta masterpiece off the top off the front page in the eternal tug of war between friends and fellow herstoric trolls of the whiteysphere.
(2) Humbly showcase once again the pure internet meme prescience for which donkeytale readers have long come to expect. This dairy was originally posted August 17, 2011.
Enjoie me while you can still have me, loosers]
Rick Perry, the latest under performing Governor of the Republic of Texas (Texas being a weak governance state by design, of course) to toss his all hat no cattle into the national ring of dishonour, is without a doubt the best thing to happen to Presidit Obama since the latter received the coveted Oprah endorsement back in 2008.As I (and Bruce Bartlett in Fiscal Times) have argued persuasively, the 2012 POTUS dance is shaping up much like the eventful, fateful 1972 election, the main difference being that the prevailing political ideologies of the times are reversed. http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/... The Tea Party is the most extreme movement to have gained traction within The Uniparty since the 1968-1972 Demotards had a radical antiwar/civil rights movement within its ranks, who backed an outsider candidate, McGovern, to topple party boss favourite Muskie (the Romney of his time) on the way to getting trounced by an unpopular incumbent, the Obama of his time, the hated on all sides but the center Nixon.---Tale, in a Pffugee Camp comment thread responding to Fairleft's suggestion that Obama is Hoover reincarnatedhttp://www.pffugeecamp.com/sho... |
It hardly matters which Republikaaner candidate ultimately succeeds to win the nomination. All of them are being skewed hard right during this thoroughly entertaining nomination process. It's just that Perry currently has the most shine on his male baboon's butt to attract the largest share of Republikaaner knuckle draggers in the primaries. Romney, now on record as rejecting any tax increases ever, in any amount in order to restore fiscal sanity and balance the budget is in for some interesting times as he tries to hold the court for the Chamber of Commerce wing of the GOP against the lunatic This places him in a similar position to another northeastern moderate, Ed Muskie, the man who was the consensus party boss favourite for the Demotard nomination in 1972, but whose campaign never struck a chord with anyone who actually, y'now, voted. Muskie was completely overwhelmed by the anti-establishment liberalism of the times and was sent quickly packing to a retirement community in Palookaville via a well-oiled, coordinated minourity liberal faction that found its winning candidate in McGovern. Now, Perry may not make the nomination. In fact, Ron Paul (my personal favourite for McGovern status) or Michelle Bachmann probably both fit into my thesis more comfortably, since McGovern was an almost unknown and lightly regarded Senator from a state about which a large majority of Amerikaaners have never entertained a thought, much less set foot in. On the scale of longshots, Paul and Bachmann are more McGovernesque than the dick Perry, who is after all, the longterm do-nothing Gubernator of the second most populous state in the Disunion. But the point is, the tea parties have succeeded in packing the race with sympatico ideologues and Romney will have to dance like a marionette (admittedly, a Romney strong suit) if he wishes to survive to the championship round, and in so doing will necessarily have been pulled so far right as to be unelectable in the general election. In 1972, another epic Republikaaner Dick, the ill-fated Mr. Nixon, was the sitting duck, hugely unpopular in general, and even somewhat among his own party mates, for betraying conservative principles by consistently suggesting and signing legislation that had a decidedly liberal bent. Today, many know-nothings even buy the false, planted internet meme that Nixon was a liberal. Nope. Nixon was a right of center, conservative pragmatist, who presided over one of the most, if not the most, liberal Congresses in US history. Big, big difference there, which has been almost entirely lost in the fake history that is today spewed across the Googlesphere, in this, the age of the info boob tubes. Barack Obama is also a pragmatist, slightly left of center, presiding over one of, if not the most, conservative Congresses in US history, who has repeatedly angered his liberal base by suggesting and signing legislation that has a decidedly conservative bent. Both men were eminently beatable at this stage of their respective re-election campaigns. Nixon was a polarising, viscerally hated figure among the New Left, just as Obama inspires insane rage among tea partiers today. Yet, when faced with a choice between McGovern and Nixon.....well, you all remember the result. 1972 represents the beginning of the end of four decades of liberal political hegemony in the US. It has been all downhill for pwoggie political power ever since. In 2012, we are once again in crisis after three decades of conservative political hegemony. Will herstory repeat beginning in 2012, albeit in inverted ideological fashion? Will we witness the richly (pun intended) deserved beginning of the self-destruction of conservatism through the nomination of a lunatic fringe backed freak? Or will the rightwing circle remain unbroken in 2012, finally completing the neo-Nazification of Amerikkka that began with Nixon? |